The Mayor and Municipal Manager have asked KSDNA and Estuary Care to resolve their differences as soon as possible, as the approved Municipal Management Plan needs to begin without further delay. Everyone is in agreement on the urgency.
KSDNA and Estuary Care have had two meetings and KSDNA have asked the Consultants, PRDW and CES, to give Estuary Care the assurances over their concerns regarding sand returning to the river. We are confident that this will satisfy their genuine concerns.
The Municipality have a detailed plan which they are ready to implement. It is the recommended plan of the leading Coastal Engineers in Africa, PRDW, and CES, on environmental matters. These plans independently follow the DEDEAT approved plans prepared by Aurecon, who were the Ndlambe Municipal consultants.
However, Estuary Care decided to appeal against the DEDEAT approved plans. Estuary Care have now raised another idea, which was not part of their Appeal, and they are working through this to produce another proposal. We wish to make it absolutely clear that KSDNA maintain an open mind. The final decision remains the prerogative of the Municipality, in consultation with Professional advice, to put forward to DEDEAT the best plan that ensures there is both a short term and long term solution that is in the best interests of all Communities. This was the sole objective of the Municipality, KSDNA, KOSRA and Estuary Care which we have been working on for 5 years.
KSDNA are hoping that a decision can be made in February which enables the Municipality to progress an excellent solution, in which all communities will be very proud, in the years to come.
Click here to view our KOSRA AGM presentation held on the 18th of December 2020