
Reply to Chester Wilmot’s mail to Robert Rose 14 January 2025
PRDW subsequently examined the Kenton Sand dune following these findings.
The professional response to a highly technical Kenton Sand Dune problem
We can confirm that is unlikely that the Bushmans Estuary/mouth will ever close and this would never be caused by the reprofiled sand dune and any accumulating sand.”
Following the Campaign by Estuary Care and KOSRA started in December we wish to correct the issues.
THE TRUE FACTS OF THE KENTON SAND DUNE. HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN THE CORRECT FACTS? KENTON HAS THE BEST APPROVED SOLUTION.Many received a newsletter from KOSRA and a petition last month regarding the Kenton Sand Dune. Both these communications are based on incorrect...
Response to Estuary Care’s funding appeal dated 29 March, 2022
KSDNA Directors have been made aware of a notice published on the 29th March calling on members of all six community organisations in Kenton and Bushmans to oppose the Government approved Ndlambe Municipal Plan for the Maintenance of the Kenton Sand Dune.
Response to the Estuary Care notice regarding the Kenton Sand Dune
The Plan for the rehabilitation of the Kenton Sand Dune area has been produced by PRDW and CES.
Implementation of the rehabilitation of the Kenton Sand Dune
Since our last Newsletter, sent out in August, we are very pleased to report that the Maintenance and Management Plan (MMP) prepared by the Consultants, PRDW and CES, will be submitted for approval to the Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and...
Finalising the plans
It was essential to understand the changes that have taken place in the last 17 months, since the previous plans were prepared in March 2020. The new aerial survey, undertaken last month, gave the Consultants all the answers needed. Fundamentally, there was no...
Getting ready
On 15th July, The Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs & Tourism (DEDEAT), dismissed the Appeal from Boesmans-Kariega Care Management Forum, (Estuary Care). The Ndlambe Municipality will now progress the approved Environmental and...
The Kenton Sand Dune Solution
The facts of the Sand Dune dispute are as covered hereunder. KSDNA will not enter into inflammatory and unhelpful communications. Our community expects complete honesty and integrity and expect professionally supported action and solutions. Lack of action and...
From the directors of KSDNA
Following the KOSRA AGM on 18th December, 2020 the KSDNA met with ESTUARY CARE and KOSRA to clarify their concerns and consider any other ideas they had.
January 2021 news
The Mayor and Municipal Manager have asked KSDNA and Estuary Care to resolve their differences as soon as possible, as the approved Municipal Management Plan needs to begin without further delay. Everyone is in agreement on the urgency. KSDNA and Estuary Care have...
April 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to the first KSDNA newsletter The KSDA would like to congratulate the whole Kenton community for their efforts expressed by their spirit and compassion during these very difficult times, and in doing their best to help the many who are struggling to...