From our news section:

The Kenton Sand Dune Solution

Jul 5, 2021

The facts of the Sand Dune dispute are as covered hereunder. KSDNA will not enter into inflammatory and unhelpful communications. Our community expects complete honesty and integrity  and expect professionally supported action and solutions. Lack of action and solutions are the cause of the present problems and neither EC , KOSRA or the KSDNA are equipped to deal with these. Leading professional organisations who have studied the Sand dune for 6 years are qualified and have discussed a compromise solution with EC and KOSRA that should be acceptable to everyone as it will deals with all concerns. It is a long term solution that enables future accumulation of sand to be managed in the best and most economical way.

Please see the two letters to EC and KOSRA from KSDNA dated 15 June and from the consultants dated 18 June.  This follows extensive discussions between EC,  KOSRA and the Consultants. These two letters are positive and constructive and KSDNA and everyone involved in resolving this long overdue problem are hoping there will be no further delay. This plan can be approved within the authorised Municipal Maintenance Plan. This will be funded by a number of residents associated with the KSDNA in the best interests of all residents of Kenton.

Signed: Robert Rose, Malcolm McKenzie, Stephen Conradie
Directors of KSDNA.

Chair : Kenton on Sea Ratepayers Association
Chair : Estuary Care

15 June 2021

Dear Stuart and Kevin

We have all listened or read the tape/transcript of your meeting 14th May and discussed this at length via email and otherwise with Ted & Andy.

We trust you are now fully informed about the work PRDW/CES have done over the last several years examining the complexities of the impact of the man made changes in the Estuary and the Bushmans silting river. We are of the view that given that they are experts in the field and have spent many years on this project we think it wise to accept their recommendations. In the interest of finding an amicable solution and working on the positives from the meeting, KSDNA wishes to propose the following:

  • KSDNA will ask the Consultants, who having held discussion with all parties, to produce a compromise plan which may not give everyone all they wish for but, like all compromises, will present a solution that can address the major issues and concerns.
  • This would then be presented to the Municipality and if they concur, an agreement will be completed with KSDNA, who will be prepared to finance and manage the project and ensure future maintenance is carried out in terms of the agreement.
  • A construction plan will be produced by PRDW/CES which will be submitted to DEDEAT for approval.

We are prepared to work with EC/KOSRA and keep you fully in the picture, but we now urgently need to bring this to a sensible conclusion. The consultants have looked at the many options and we believe they will produce a plan that is aimed at solving the future Kenton problem in the most efficient way.

We trust you will find this approach acceptable.

This will be progressed as soon as DEDEAT dismiss the EC August 2020 Appeal or you assist in withdrawing your appeal.


Robert Rose
Malcolm MacKenzie
Stephen Conradie

18 June 2021

Dear Kevin

Thank you for your email of 13 June. We note the contents thereof with dismay, as we realise that there is nothing more we can do to resolve this impasse. Ironically, as scientists and engineers we believe we can solve the sand problem at Kenton. I have now seen the letter from KSDNA to you 15 June . I am sure this is what you and EC would like to be able to say has been achieved and we can all get on with implementing a very satisfactory outcome.


Ted Avis – PhD, Pr.Sci.Nat, MRSSA, EAP
Managing Director
CES – Environmental and social advisory services

Cape Town | Western Cape | South Africa
Tel: +27 (21) 045 0900 | fax: +27 (46) 622 6564
Cell: +27 82 783 6393|

Who are KSDNA

A summary of who KSDNA are is hereunder. For full details please click here

The KSDNA are representative of a number of households determined to preserve the Jane Muirhead Nature Reserve and to prevent further destruction of this beautiful valley and further risk and damage both short term and long term to property caused by the invasion of the sand dune as a result of failure to manage this in the past.

It was agreed 7 years ago that neither Estuary Care (EC) nor KOSRA or the Municipality had the expertise to find the best solution to this.  KSDNA were asked to help and finance the most qualified Coastal Engineers (PRDW) to learn and understand the causes of this development resulting from human intervention and the resulting changes to Bushman’s River. The study of the silting river was presented, and accepted by EC and KOSRA in 2016, which recommended specific dredging—both these organisations are still working on taking these recommendations forward. The River is a National Government responsibility and not that of the Municipality.

The Sand Dune is a Municipal responsibility who have collaborated fully with all communities for two years through their Consultants- Aurecon (now Zutari). Final approval was given by DEDEAT on the 11 August 2020. EC appealed that month. We believe all their concerns have now been covered and there is no technical or financial reason why this cannot move forward.

The most interested parties concerned are awaiting a response from EC and KOSRA which will be advised to all concerned.

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