Dear Chester,
I refer to your mail sent to me on the 14th January enclosing your Estuary Care News Letter dated 14 January, 2025. Which has been published in the Talk of the Town to-day.
In 2015, at the request of Ted Gilfillan, the Estuary Care (EC) Chairman at the time, and with the agreement of the Ndlambe Municipal Manager Rolly Dumezweni, PRDW were engaged to examine the silting rivers as this was the main concern of the Kenton and Bushman communities. PRDW subsequently examined the Kenton Sand dune following these findings.
The PRDW report Kenton-on-sea Dune Encroachment study 30th October, 2015 that you quote from was a desk top report which made it very clear that this was based on historical data that was available and that a full investigation of the Bushmans River would be required before PRDW could provide their recommendations or any actions could be implemented. This would include a Basic Assessment Study to obtain the necessary environmental authorisation. Please also note that the 30 October, report was a preliminary report and the final Report was issued on the 8 February,2016.
PRDW were commissioned to do a thorough survey of the Bushmans river and to investigate the progressive sedimentation of the Bushmans River Estuary using a calibrated two dimensional hydrodynamic model and test intervention options which could return the estuary to its former functional state. This was carried out by them in 2016 and this report, Bushmans River Estuary Study—Study of Interventions to Reduce Sedimentation (Revision 1) dated 2 September 2016 (100 pages) was presented to Estuary Care (EC) and KOSRA by them and to many interested parties additionally. This report was accepted by these two bodies. A copy of this report was personally given to you.
You and EC are also fully aware that the outcome of the Dune encroachment study, that you quote from , made it clear that Dry Bones valley (DBV) was no longer a functional headland bypass dune system and destabilisation of DBV was not guaranteed to be effective, potentiallly requirng ongoing maintenance to achieve the desired effect. You have been advised on a number of occasions that you are misleading the community with your personal fixation about opening up DBV and quoting the 2015 Desk Report as your authority. Will you please now cease continuing to do this as you know this is not the professional advice of PRDW.
EC have never produced a plan for the Ndlambe Municipality to consider and your appeals against the Aurecon Environmental Assessment and the Municipal Maintenance Plan were rejected by the Government authority (DEDEAT). The EC appeal against the current approved Municipal Maintenance Plan (MMP) have also been rejected by DEDEAT on the 13 July 2021.
Please let me correct your statement that you have always wished to discuss the sand dune issues with PRDW and CES (who are sub-contractors to PRDW on environmental issues) . You personally advised me in 2020 that you would see the consultants when they agreed with your recommendations. You also told me in 2020 that you intended to delay this project as long as you could. We asked the Chairman of EC at the time, Stuart Clarkson, in 2020 and on a number of occasions to discuss the issues with PRDW but he did not do so. It was only when DEDEAT requested EC and KOSRA to see PRDW/CES that a meeting took place on the 14 May, 2021. The consultants believed that agreement had been reached at this meeting and confirmed this, but this was rejected by EC on the 18 May. DEDEAT were advised and requested a transcript of this meeting. The EC appeal was rejected by DEDEAT on the 13 July, 2021. You have personally never discussed the Ndlambe MMP with PRDW/CES or discussed the sand dune with the Consultants. You have confirmed to me that you are not an expert in these matters , and hence KSDNA’s request that you personally require a better understanding of the many issues as you have been misleading the community. The precise transcription of the meeting on the 14 May 2021 made it very clear to DEDEAT that there was now a much better understanding by EC and KOSRA of the Ndlambe MMP following this meeting, but this does not seem to have been accepted by you personally.
The resulting unacceptable and aggravated situation of the Sand Dune that the delay has caused since 2021 is evident for all to see. One house is under direct threat and requires constant sand clearance to obtain access, and now three houses that used to have a great view of the sea can no longer do so. All communities have wasted further money in the last three years and this has cost the Municipality both money and diversion of management from more important matters. The ratepayers have incurred these costs.
Please also note, as has always been made clear to EC and you by the Consultants ,that it is unlikely that the mouth/estuary of Bushmans River will ever be closed. They remain of this view for the proposed reprofiled and stabilised sand dune with periodic maintenance of the accumulating sand in the future. This is your main concern and I trust all are now clear that this is not an issue and never has been.
We are pleased to learn that EC have agreed that the present approved MMP will be examined independently by professionals with PRDW to see if any further improvements can be made to the approved MMP. Simon Bundy has been appointed by EC (and by KOSRA), Warren Lange has been appointed by Ndlambe Municipality and KSDNA will be avised by Ted Avis. My understaning is that all these parties are in full agreement that the Kenton Sand Dune requires the advice of qualified professionals to provide the optimum solution within the authorised Environmental Assessment. I also understand that there is full agreement that there must be no further delay as this has been thoroughly examined and considered by many experts since 2015. A prompt decision can therfore be made that will avoid further cost and damage.
We very much look forward to working with EC in the future and putting our differences behind us.
Yours sincerely
Chairman KSDNA