Since our last Newsletter, sent out in August, we are very pleased to report that the Maintenance and Management Plan (MMP) prepared by the Consultants, PRDW and CES, will be submitted for approval to the Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) on or before 29 October 2021, by Ndlambe Municipality.
As the process of submission of these plans has taken longer than anticipated, the Municipality will only now receive the necessary approval from the DEDEAT within 30 days from 29 October 2021. This means that the Project will commence as soon as possible in 2022.
The re-profiling of the Dune will take approximately 30 days and adhere to all the strictest specifications. Revegetation for stability and enhancement of the beauty of the area will commence immediately after the profiling is completed, as will management and control of the wind- blown sand.